Heal your Mind, Body and Soul
Acupuncture Treatment for Arthritis at Central Earth Healing, Cupping & Massage
A Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Aiea, HI
It’s been about 2,000 years in the making, but acupuncture has gained some mainstream acceptance as a medical modality.
Research offers limited, but in some cases promising, evidence that acupuncture can help with arthritis symptoms. The theory of acupuncture goes something like this: An essential life energy called qi (pronounced “chee”) flows through the body along 20 invisible channels called meridians. When the flow of this energy is blocked or out of balance, illness or pain results. More than 2,000 acupuncture points connect to the meridians. Stimulating those points with needles, it is said, will correct the flow of qi and alleviate pain.
Western medicine doesn’t recognize the concepts of qi and meridians. However, scientific evidence suggests alternate explanations for why acupuncture might provide pain relief. “There’s a lot of research that says when we put an acupuncture needle into the body, a number of physiological mechanisms occurs,” says Brian Berman, MD, professor of family and community medicine and director of the Center for Integrative Medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine.
A well-placed needle sets off a cascade of events, Dr. Berman explains, producing a signal that travels along the spinal cord to the brain, triggering a release of neurotransmitters called endorphins and enkephalins, which scientists believe reduce the sensation of pain. Research also shows that inserting an acupuncture needle induces the production of cortisol, a hormone that helps control inflammation. Acupuncture may stimulate activity of other pain-relieving chemicals in the body as well.
But do all these biochemical changes relieve sore, stiff joints? A study by Dr. Berman and his colleagues found that after 26 weeks, patients receiving real acupuncture felt significantly less pain and functioned better (as measured by how far they could walk in six minutes) than their counterparts who received sham acupuncture.
Other studies haven’t been as positive, and acupuncture’s benefits have been hard to prove because high-quality studies on the subject of arthritis and acupuncture have been limited. Here’s a look at some of the recent research that has been done:
Even though patients offer anecdotal evidence that acupuncture has helped them, most studies have found acupuncture offers minimal pain and stiffness relief for osteoarthritis (OA). A 2018 Cochrane review of six studies evaluating acupuncture for hip OA concluded acupuncture probably has little or no effect in reducing pain or improving function compared to sham acupuncture in people with hip osteoarthritis.
One unblinded trial found that acupuncture as an addition to routine primary physician care was associated with reduced pain and improved function. However, these reported benefits are likely due partially to participants' greater expectations that acupuncture can help.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Recent research suggests acupuncture may hold a beneficial role in treatment for some people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). A review of 43 studies, conducted between 1974 and 2018 and reported in Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, concluded that “acupuncture alone or combined with other treatment modalities is beneficial to the clinical conditions of RA and can improve function and quality of life, and is worth trying.”
The review cites several possible ways acupuncture effects RA, including its anti-inflammatory effect, antioxidative effect and regulation of immune system function. However, the review acknowledges that there is still inconsistency among trial findings and that further research is needed to evaluate the effects of acupuncture and how it works.
In a 2014 review article in Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, researchers analyzed the results of nine studies on acupuncture for fibromyalgia. Though a few studies found acupuncture worked better than drugs to manage the condition, most of the studies weren’t well designed. The authors concluded there wasn’t enough evidence to prove acupuncture works better than placebo.
Call OAHU Acupuncture Clinic at 808-582-8660 to Schedule an Appointment. We look forward to seeing you in our Honolulu clinic soon.
Meet our Oahu Acupuncturist, Dr. Annie (Han) Yang 杨
"Traditional Chinese Medicine is rooted in its power to transform our health and wellness. Treatments offered at Oahu Acupuncture Clinic are personalized to each individual."
Dr. Annie (Han) Yang 杨
Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (DACM)
Dr. Annie Yang is a Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (DACM). She is also a Licensed Acupuncturist in both China and Hawaii. Dr. Yang Specializes in Pain Management, Female Irregular Menstruation, Digestion Issues, & Stress Relief.
Dr. Annie Yang studied Internal Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine for 6 years at
Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
She has over 15 years of clinical experience in Acupuncture.
Restore balance and harmony to your body and mind, please contact OAHU ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC in Aiea, HI at 808-582-8660 to learn more about our Acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments.
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Central Earth Acupuncture, Cupping & Massage
Traditional Chinese Medicine
98-199 KAMEHAMEHA HWY STE 53, AIEA, HI 96701
Includes the Following:
Consultation with Dr. Annie, Includes Acupuncture Treatment, Cupping Treatment and Treatment Plan ($160 Value) for $100