Heal your Mind, Body and Soul
with Central Earth Acupuncture, Cupping & Massage
A Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Aiea, HI
In recent years, acupuncture has become an increasingly popular treatment for insomnia as more people look for alternatives to traditional sleep medications.
Acupuncture can relieve insomnia symptoms, although the mechanisms behind its effects are not fully understood. For some people with insomnia, receiving regular acupuncture treatments for one to two months can:
Improve sleep quality
Reduce waking up in the night
Increase total sleep time
Decrease anxiety
Alleviate pain
People whose insomnia is linked to depression, menopause, or chronic pain may be especially good candidates for acupuncture therapy.
Acupuncture can be a great complementary treatment and many patients find it helpful.
In a typical acupuncture session, the practitioner will evaluate the patient and insert between five and 20 needles, leaving each in place for about 10 to 15 minutes. However, one patient with insomnia may receive an entirely different acupuncture treatment than another, and the same patient may receive different treatments from session to session.
This is because acupuncturists base their selection of acupoints on their assessment of how energy, or “qi,” is flowing through pathways called “meridians” within the body. Acupuncture is intended to resolve blockages, disruptions, and imbalances in energy flow, thereby addressing complaints such as pain or difficulty sleeping.
While acupuncture is a safe and drug-free treatment for insomnia, it is just one of several available approaches to reducing symptoms and improving sleep. People with insomnia should talk to their doctors or sleep specialists about which treatment—or combination of treatments—best suits their needs. These treatments include:
Cognitive behavior therapy for insomnia (CBT-I)
Sleep medications
Homeopathic treatments, like melatonin, yoga, or aromatherapy
Lifestyle changes
OAHU Acupuncture Clinic in Aiea, HI offers Acupuncture treatment services for relieving insomnia and other health disorders. Our licensed acupuncturist, Dr. Annie Yang is here to assist you and understand the symptoms you are experiencing and how to relieve them. Call us now or visit our website oahuacupunctureclinic.com to send a form!
Meet our Oahu Acupuncturist, Dr. Annie (Han) Yang 杨
"Traditional Chinese Medicine is rooted in its power to transform our health and wellness. Treatments offered at Oahu Acupuncture Clinic are personalized to each individual."
Dr. Annie (Han) Yang 杨
Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (DACM)
Dr. Annie Yang is a Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (DACM). She is also a Licensed Acupuncturist in both China and Hawaii. Dr. Yang Specializes in Pain Management, Female Irregular Menstruation, Digestion Issues, & Stress Relief.
Dr. Annie Yang studied Internal Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine for 6 years at
Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
She has over 15 years of clinical experience in Acupuncture.
Restore balance and harmony to your body and mind, please contact OAHU ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC in Aiea, HI at 808-582-8660 to learn more about our Acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments.
Facial Acupuncture Package Deal of 10 Treatments!
We also offer SINGLE SESSION Treatments!
Click the Below to Check Out our Facial Acupuncture Special
Central Earth Acupuncture, Cupping & Massage
Traditional Chinese Medicine
98-199 KAMEHAMEHA HWY STE 53, AIEA, HI 96701
Includes the Following:
Consultation with Dr. Annie, Includes Acupuncture Treatment, Cupping Treatment and Treatment Plan ($160 Value) for $100