Heal your Mind, Body and Soul
Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation at Central Earth Healing, Cupping & Massage
A Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic in Aiea, HI
Aging is a natural part of the human experience, one that can bring many physical and emotional changes -- some welcome, others less so. As we age, our skin begins to sag and lose elasticity, which might result in wrinkles, lines, and jowls. Millions of Americans each year choose to undergo cosmetic surgery to try to reduce the effects of aging. However, this is an expensive option and can involve significant health risks -- Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation by Dr. Annie Yang 杨 of Oahu Acupuncture Clinic in Honolulu.
Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a powerful alternative to surgery and other anti-aging procedures. Facial acupuncture is designed to initiate energy flow in your face and throughout the body. When energy is blocked, your organs, muscles, and lymphatic system don’t work the way they should, causing premature aging in the form of wrinkles, puffiness, and bags. That’s where facial acupuncture comes in!
Drawing on Traditional Chinese Medicine practices that address the whole body, acupuncture facial rejuvenation is a gentle, holistic way to reduce the signs of aging from your face, promoting a healthy and bright complexion, while erasing wrinkles and lines. It is also safer and much more affordable than injections or surgery.
Not only does acupuncture help reduce signs of aging, but it also helps heal your body overall, improving your sleep, energy levels, and digestion.
Facial acupuncture initiates energy flow throughout the body, stimulating the lymphatic and circulatory systems, and revitalizing the skin cells with oxygen and nutrients. Unlike cosmetic procedures, acupuncture targets the effects of aging at the source -- it resolves energy blockages in the muscles and lymphatic and circulatory systems, allowing for holistic rejuvenation of your skin from the inside out.
What can I expect during Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation treatment at Central Earth Healing - Oahu Acupuncture Clinic?
During your acupuncture facial rejuvenation appointment at Dr. Annie Yang's Clinic at Honolulu, our licensed acupuncturist will insert 40-70 tiny, hair-thin needles into the face. The treatments are painless, however, and the needles instead produce an immediate wave of relaxation and calm with the rush of endorphins throughout the body.
At Oahu Acupuncture Clinic, the main purpose of our services is to target specific acupuncture points according to your individual needs. These needles are often placed in areas of the face where your skin is in most need of nourishment. The goal is to stimulate muscle function across the 57 muscles of your face, promoting lift and revitalization in each acupuncture point and the needles will create a “microtrauma,” triggering the production of collagen as your body works to repair itself.
Patients of Central Earth Healing - Oahu Acupuncture Clinic describe the treatment as deeply relaxing, as the flow of energy throughout the face and body produces an overall healing effect.
What are the long-term benefits of Acupuncture Facial Rejuvenation?
Acupuncture is meant to promote long-term, lasting benefits to the health of your skin and body. One of the most common and noticeable benefits of acupuncture facial rejuvenation that we see at our clinic is a brighter complexion. New blood and oxygen rushing to the face gives the appearance of freshness and renewal including an enhanced complexion due to increased collagen production, reduction in fine lines and wrinkles, revitalized appearance of the face, along with improvements in sleep, anxiety, and digestion.
Facial acupuncture carries no risk of the infections, rashes, scars, or build-up of chemicals in the body that can come with cosmetic surgery and injections. If you're interested to book an appointment with Oahu Acupuncture Clinic, reach out to us and we'd love to chat with you about whether acupuncture facial rejuvenation would be a good fit for you. We also have various Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment services that you might want to check.
Meet our Oahu Acupuncture Clinic's Newest Acupuncturist, Dr. Sharon
Dr. Sharon is a licensed acupuncturist and herbalist in Hawaii who recently moved to Oahu, Hawaii in 2023 after practicing in Boston for 5 years.
She specializes in Women’s Health, Mental/Emotional Health, Pain Management, Injury Recovery and Fertility.
She received her Masters in Oriental Medicine at the New England School of Acupuncture in Boston and also completed graduate courses at Tufts University in their Pain, Research, Education and Policy program.
Dr. Sharon’s primary focus is Women’s Health, helping women with period regulation, fertility support (TTC, IVF, IUI), pregnancy and postpartum support, perimenopausal and menopausal support. The female body goes through so many phases of change and it can feel overwhelming. Dr. Sharon’s hope is to help women be better equipped to face these changes and feel more comfortable in their bodies.
During her free time, Dr. Sharon enjoys cooking with friends, hiking, and chilling on the beach. She also serves at her church, Leeward Community Church and mentors at Waiau Elementary School through Common Grace. She’s completely fallen in awe of the Aloha spirit here in Hawaii and is excited for life on island.
Meet our Oahu Acupuncturist, Dr. Annie (Han) Yang 杨
"Traditional Chinese Medicine is rooted in its power to transform our health and wellness. Treatments offered at Oahu Acupuncture Clinic are personalized to each individual."
Dr. Annie (Han) Yang 杨
Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (DACM)
Dr. Annie Yang is a Doctor of Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine (DACM). She is also a Licensed Acupuncturist in both China and Hawaii. Dr. Yang Specializes in Pain Management, Female Irregular Menstruation, Digestion Issues, & Stress Relief.
Dr. Annie Yang studied Internal Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine for 6 years at
Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.
She has over 15 years of clinical experience in Acupuncture.
Restore balance and harmony to your body and mind, please contact OAHU ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC in Aiea, HI at 808-582-8660 to learn more about our Acupuncture and other Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments.
Facial Acupuncture Package Deal of 10 Treatments!
We also offer SINGLE SESSION Treatments!
Click the Below to Check Out our Facial Acupuncture Special
Central Earth Acupuncture, Cupping & Massage
Traditional Chinese Medicine
98-199 KAMEHAMEHA HWY STE 53, AIEA, HI 96701
Includes the Following:
Consultation with Dr. Annie, Includes Acupuncture Treatment, Cupping Treatment and Treatment Plan ($160 Value) for $100